Being GOMUN’s most advanced committee, the Crisis Committee is a decision-making body that has more power than a traditional committee. Unlike the GA committees, the crisis delegates are only informed of the topic and their assigned positions at the beginning of the conference which makes their experience much more surprising and challenging. While the story of the committee is constantly developing, the delegates can respond to such unpredictable changes in their crisis by writing directives. These directives are considered by assistant chairs who pronounce the actions either successful, unsuccessful, or successful with conditions and further decide in what way has the attempt shaped the current state of crisis. The objective of every delegate is to fulfill their personal arc which differs from one personality to another.
Due to its relaxed rules of procedure, the Crisis Committee offers endless possibilities for conflict resolution. Last year the committee saw the summoning of several important personalities, assassination attempts, trials, bidding wars or even a literal escape from the clutches of hungry dogs. Since prior preparation and topic-specific research are impossible for this committee, we encourage the most qualified and experienced delegates to apply.
The topic will be revealed at the beginning of the conference.
Expert: Spot 1 – 15