The Security Council is undoubtedly the most important and most powerful organ of the United Nations. It consist of 15 members, five of which are permanent members (“P5 states “). These states also hold veto powers. The other 10 rotate in terms, each term the 10 spots are filled with 10 different states which do not possess the veto rights. The usual agenda of the SC includes major conflicts, threats to global peace and security or highly volatile political matters.

TOPIC 1: The insurgency in Balochistan

Balochistan, a region spanning across Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, has been in turmoil for decades. With its roots deeply embedded in historical grievances and political marginalization, dating back to the country’s independence in 1947, Balochistan has struggled with a sense of disenfranchisement and neglect from the central governments of the countries its territory is located in. The Baloch separatist movement, fueled by demands for greater autonomy and control over the province’s abundant natural resources, has intermittently erupted into violent conflict over the decades. Separatists have often clashed with security forces, resulting in violence, human rights abuses, and instability. Economic disparities, ethnic tensions, and allegations of state repression further exacerbate the situation, contributing to widespread poverty and suffering among Balochistan’s population.


Country matrix:

Advanced: Afghanistan, Germany, India, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, UAE 

Expert: French Republic, Pakistan, People’s Republic of China, Russian Federation, Taliban (observer), United Kingdom, United States of America