As 2024 unfolded, GOMUN once again lived up to its reputation as one of the most anticipated MUN conferences of the year, taking place at the beginning of November. The Organising Team was thrilled to introduce yet another round of unique and innovative additions to an already outstanding event.  One of the highlights of this year’s edition was the long-awaited GOMUN Ball, now boasting an immersive theme – The Roaring ‘20s – transporting delegates back to an era of glamour and jazz. Another returning highlight, now an established tradition, was the Crisis Committee, where delegates tackled the high-stakes scenario of Pearl Harbor, navigating intense negotiations and unexpected twists. This year, the conference grew to an unprecedented scale, welcoming ten extraordinary committees – a record-breaking number! Delegates had the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking debates in committees such as the Historical Council, UNICEF, ICJ, and AU, ensuring a diverse experience for all participants. Another milestone was reached with over 230 participants, which has set yet another record for GOMUN. As always, the Opening and Closing Ceremonies took place in the stunning Prague City Hall, providing a suitable venue for both the start and the end of this unforgettable event. With GOMUN 2024 raising the bar yet again, we cannot wait to see what the future holds. See you in 2025!


The seventh GOMUN conference, which took place at the beginning of November 2023, was one of the largest conferences in the entire GOMUN history with almost 200 delegates. The record was also broken in the number of members of the organizing team, who worked non-stop for almost a year, experienced so many stressful situations, and had so many sleepless nights just to bring this year’s conference, one of the best MUN conferences in Europe, to perfection. This year has one more peculiarity. That is the Crisis Committee, which GOMUN introduced to the Czech Republic for the very first time. The organizing team and the delegates did not know what to expect from this committee and how it would turn out. In the end, however, it was a huge success, thanks to the wonderful delegates and the responsive backroom, which devised reactions to the committee’s actions on the fly. The opening and closing ceremonies and the general assembly were traditionally held at the city hall, where delegates could stretch their bodies after a long day by, for example, dancing to Just Dance, or other entertaining activities. There is no doubt that this year has raised the bar very high and we hope that the next year will be even better.


When the thought of GOMUN 2022 was set in motion in December of 2021, no one expected what the organization had in store for us. After half of the organization team, including the Secretary-General and the Main Organizer left for university, the “young” ‘organization team became the driving force keeping this event alive. The freshness and inexperience of the organization actually proved to be very helpful during the planning process. Without it, we wouldn’t have hosted eight lively committees, including the Historical Security Council, debating upon the topic of the Trojan War. Even with some registration malfunctions, we were able to welcome almost 200 delegates from all over the world, including Spain, Netherlands, Japan, India, and many other countries. After four days of fruitful debates, the whole conference gathered one last time in Prague’s City Hall for the General Assembly and Closing Ceremony. Overall the conference was an immense success. We would like to thank every single participant for taking part and for making GOMUN the best MUN conference in the Czech Republic. See you next year!


After an online conference, GOMUN finally took place in person for the first time in two years. The organisation of the conference was very challenging, especially with the announcement of new covid restrictions just a few days before the beginning of it. Even with the Covid-19 pandemic, we managed to welcome almost a hundred delegates from all over the world. People came from Ireland, Spain, France, and many other countries. After four days of rigorous committee work, all four committees presented their completed resolutions at the Prague City Hall located in the city center. The closing ceremony, as usual, took the whole day, going as far as debating upon one sub-clause for over an hour. Overall the conference was a great success with positive feedback from the participants.


The year 2020 was significantly influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic and the traditional GOMUN conference was cancelled. The Organisation Team, however, did not get discouraged and managed to hold an online conference in May. Having no experience with organising online events, the conference turned out unexpectedly great. There was a total of five committees opened, entertaining over 100 delegates.


The following conference took place in November 2019 and the quality of GOMUN was significantly increased. The Organisation Team put a great emphasis on the comfort and enjoyment of the attendees. As a result, the number of committees was increased to seven  ensuring a broad variety of options and topics for each participant. In total, the conference hosted over 160 delegates from countries all around Europe and farther. Furthermore, GOMUN 2019 prides itself with its stupendous social event in the form of a ball. It gained great reviews from the participants, given the uncovnetional type of the event, and was also a great joy for the organisers.


The first official GOMUN conference was held in October 2018. Since the introductory conference, the Organisation Team grew much larger which allowed much more work to be done and therefore another GOMUN event could happen. In comparison to the first annual conference approximately 3 times more attendees participated in the conference. Many of those participants didn’t only come from the Czech Republic but also from countries abroad such as Poland or Germany. Facilities and services had also greatly improved thanks to all the support from our patrons and sponsors. All of that combined created an unforgettable atmosphere which contributed to the most amazing MUN event we could dream of when organising the 2nd GOMUN conference. According to the feedback, every delegate enjoyed the conference and so did we. Still, the Organisation Team is determined to make the upcoming GOMUN even more memorable.


In June 2017, a group of students from Gymnazium Omska and passionate MUN delegates decided to take on a great challenge of organising their own MUN with no previous experience. And that’s where the story of GOMUN began. The 1st introductory conference was nothing huge in scope or significance and only invited about 50 participants from Prague. However, in the end, the event turned out to be very successful and satisfactory for both the organisers and the delegates. The feedback was mostly positive and implied that a perspective future awaited GOMUN. Thanks to this introductory GOMUN, the Organisation Team gained the experience and created contacts that allowed us to grow much bigger and better.