The Special Political and Decolonisation Committee is among the General Assembly committees. It primarily focuses on political disputes and less serious conflicts, however, it can also tackle issues otherwise reserved for the Security Council. It can also act, as it is the case on this year’s GOMUN, as a forum for parties to an international treaty to resolve their misunderstandings outside of the General Assembly and yet within the United Nations.

TOPIC 1: Addressing the changing dynamics of Kurdistan

Generally comprised of four regions, Kurdistan is a mountainous region located south of the Caucasus mountains. Though mostly autonomous, each part is met with resistance from the governments of the countries in which Kurdish populations reside. However, despite lesser economic opportunities, violent suppressions of both steps towards independence, and pan-Kurdish movements, Kurds have taken advantage of the instability of Iraq and Syria and altered the geopolitical balance, raising questions about its sovereignty, territorial integrity, and self-determination. The rise of Kurdish armed groups, involvement in regional conflicts, and diplomatic efforts to gain international recognition further contribute to the complexities of the Kurdish question.

TOPIC 2: Ensuring Stability in countries with valuable commodities

Various states around the world have their economies reliant on natural resources, agriculture, and other commodities, resulting in issues connected to drops of prices, debt and other economic factors, as well as various external influences. Resource-rich countries often grapple with governance deficiencies, including corruption, lack of transparency, and weak institutions, which hinder effective resource management, and equitable wealth distribution. Furthermore, the extraction and exploitation of valuable commodities frequently result in environmental degradation, land disputes, and displacement of indigenous communities, exacerbating social tensions and fueling conflicts over resource control. The socio-economic implications of the issue stand as a significant threat towards the autonomy and stability of states.

Beginner: Afghanistan, Armenia, Canada, Kazakhstan, Myanmar, Norway, Poland

Intermediate: Angola, Bolivia, DR Congo, Germany, Iran, Japan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela

Advanced: French Republic, Iraq, People’s Republic of China, Russian Federation, Syria, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America